Go with the Flow.

The end of May is already here.It seems like the beginning of 2012 was just here. Well anyway many people are traveling to kick off their summer and unwind from winter.Since our children are away at Grandma’s for a couple of weeks I decided to take a me trip up top:) Living in Atlanta up top is considered NJ,NY,and my home CT. Before I can ever leave to go out of town I have to make sure my house,salon and biz is in order.
With all that plus errands I ended up missing my flight and I truly adopted the motto of going with the flow.I wanted to get to White Plains but I will kindly get on the am flight and enjoy my getaway.
This summer will be a go with the flow summer.

Big Hair not the Big Head

One thing that I have learned in life and that is to not get the “big head” when you make a little money.While I do Love Big hair but the big head NOT! Success is a persons own definition as well as their own custom path. The desire of true success is driven from passion. The passion then turns into the preparation and then the plan. I see too often when people are passionate and then they start to add the money aspect into it and then ego takes over. all that I am saying is wear Big hair and don’t get the Big head …especially in the Beauty Industry. As fast as the money and fame come can also be how fast it leaves.When you are talented and blessed you will always have what is planned for you, however it is better to take run a marathon than and 60 yard dash…..it last longer.

Have a great hair day!

The one thing I enjoy most is being creative.I believe that everyone has some type of creative energy within them.I feel good today knowing that it will be a Great Day! I was able to make a wonderful batch of hair/skin product.The items I made were 1.Hair Nourisher which is great for dry hair and scalp and because the ingredients are all natural it will not clog your pores.Open pores help stimulate hair growth.The next item 2.Scalp Refresher which is your scalp toner.This product helps remove purifies on the scalp without striping the hair. The weather is nice today so have a naturally radiant hair day.