Wow, it’s been some time.

As I log onto this blog site reflecting on the dozen plus thing I have going on I realize that I have not been blogging for a long time. I cant believe that the blog that I was so eager to establish providing information to inspire other had been just sitting. Aside of being so active in the social media world such as facebook, instagram etc. my big life kept me busy in real life.

So many things have happened since my last blog entry. My daughter and I both graduated. My princess Shina graduated from 8th grade and I graduated from Spelman College with my B. A. How exciting is that.My intentions are to keep you abreat of all the happenings of post graduating Spelman College, running a salon, the product company, etc. with hubby and kids in tow. I am forever in a “Doing it Her Way ” mode. ta ta till next time.

xo, Nekesa