Workout Natural Hair options

We are now past the half way mark of the first month of 2013. I am wondering how many of us have stuck to our regime or new years resolution? I know that the key is to do your best daily. You may miss a day or cheat on what you put into your body, however you have to remember that with Gods will tommorow is another day to restart.
Several things permit us mentally from Working out like having no time, procrastination and the all time faithful that you don’t want to mess up your hair. Here are some protective hair style options for you to be able to focus onthat weight loss, or healthier lifestyle goal.
1. Twist with or without hair. Examples are serenity twist, diamond cut twist, goddess curl twist,two strands, and kinky twist. These styles last up to 12 weeks with proper maintenance.
2. Textured sets. Examples are Rod set, twist sets, coil sets and Bantu knot sets. These can all be done on naturalists or for those who are transitioning. These styles last 1-2 weeks.
3. Sew in weaves are also great protective styles for working out and transitioning.
4. Cornrow combo styles like cornrows with twists or sets are fun and last up to 2 weeks.
Whatever you do don’t let hair be the reason for you not working towards the goal of a healthier lifestyle.
xo, Nekesa






7 ways to create 7 streams of income.

    I remember listening to a sermon by T.D. Jakes about the importance of having 7 streams of income. I had to hear this sermon over 10 years ago, however it never left my memory. It actually has been instrumental in my business decisions. I have learned how to become a great listener and learn to take the “meat and potatoes from the plate” and sometimes there might be some extra stuff left that you may not need. 7 streams of income meant exactly how it sounded. 7 streams of income means to create the different flows of income through business or entrepreneurial practices. the key is to start on and ensure that it has a solid foundation , then you create another source, or stream and it is as simple as that.

  It is a new year and it is the perfect time to embark on that dream or aspiration that you have had in the back of your mind for some time now. I challenge you to pick up the notebook, tablet or smart phone and start writing your story towards your 7 streams of income.

1. Define a passion- Something that you love to do, you already are doing it, and you would do it for free.

2. Perfect and learn your craft- Get educated, take a class, read some literature on your topic, or research online.

3. Knowing your target market- define your client, customer, or fan.

4. Be creative with your business plan and your marketing plan- Think outside the box when it comes to your business plan and definitely with your marketing plan.

5. Work out your licensing and legal structure of your business,- Educate yourself through SCORE,, or contact your local city office and ask tons of questions.

6. Surround yourself by positive, go-getting, inspiring people- Hang with people who will inspire you, help guide you, all while pushing you to your 7 streams of income.

7. Have the faith of a mustard seed, and keep God first- Believe in something or fall for anything. Take that leap of faith and do it your way.

xo, Nekesa


When enough is enough!

I have been preparing to blog on the first of the year more consistently. I made this decision back in October when I realized that I didn’t have the time, and sometimes the right content. I didn’t want this blog to be a haven for celebrity news and nonsense. I wanted Doing it Her Way to be a Movement towards enhancing lives. The one thing about enhancing lives is that you must enhance your own life! Being a salon owner/stylist, wife and mom often leaves me depleted of energy for myself. I have no new years resolutions, however I have decided to let go of these extra pounds piled on from a number of things like being a full time student on top of all of the hats I already wear.
My knee has had some fluid on it for over a year would swell after I has been working in the salon or standing excessively. After having my knee drained and a MRI and no exact diagnosis, I knew exactly what I needed to do….it was past time for me to loose weight. 5’3. and 175 pounds masked very well had to go.
I have made the choice to Do it MY Way as it refers to MY HEALTH. I am a successful business owner, happy wide and mother, and a candidate for Spelman College 2013 graduate class. This blog will document the journey of truely being naturally radiant inside out. I will focus on hair, as it relates to working out etc. I will feature clean food recipes, workouts, natural hair options while working out, hair and akin products and everything else you would need to progress forward towards being the best you!
One day at a time,



Women’s News: The 24 Best Moments For Women In 2012



The Huffington Post  |  By Christina Huffington

This year has been … interesting for women. Some of 2012 was rough going — see many idiotic, offensive comments male Republican lawmakers and candidates made about women’s bodies, health and reproductive rights. Then came the news that women still aren’t getting any more of the top jobs in companies. Meanwhile, we lost Helen Gurley Brown, the woman who told the world that single women they deserved satisfying sex lives and careers, and the inimitable inimitable Nora Ephron, who wrote female characters women actually recognized.

But there were also great moments for women in 2012, lots of them. Here are our 24 favorite — including epic accomplishments in politics, sports, business and culture and advances in marriage equality. (See our other end-of-year lists for 2012’s Best And Worst Moments In Sex and Best And Worst Moments In Women’s Health.) Look through…

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