Inspired by Gerald Levert Unsung on TVONe

As I sit in this government office handing some business I am reminded how your first order of business should be you. As a business woman there is a constant goal of planning the next, doing the next, while maintaining consistency of the presence. Sometimes as an entrepreneur you put in additional hours to grow the business. Often those extra hours cause you to neglect your personal business. I define personal business as your own wellness first and foremost. Exercising, meditating, and resting properly are on the top of my agenda list. We all have to have home to live in so you have to take care of that. The next thing on the personal business list is your personal finances such as insurances, and credit.
The last personal business that is essential to implement before running any Business is managing your time where you are not in a position to burn yourself out. When you manage your time then you know how to say No. You realize that you are not meant to do everything. Sometimes you may have to be still and have patience.
In addition to sitting in this office handing my business I was inspired to write this blog because of the Gerald Levert story on TV One. He was such a great artist and provider for his family, but his quest to be a crossover artist that would of course generate more income drove him to death. His business overpowered his personal business, therefore his health was compromised greatly.
In closing I would say manage your life and lifestyle first before you just into the arena of running a business to help others and you haven’t totally helped yourself.